“旅游+”为全域旅游开拓扶贫路 |
添加时间:2019/4/1 14:26:25 浏览次数: |
去年野三坡深入贯彻“旅游+”战略,成功举办了“美丽河北·唱响野三坡”国际民歌民乐艺术节、野三坡国际半程马拉松赛、野三坡中国经济论坛、《鱼儿从哪里来》探秘鱼谷洞亲子活动,通过业态组合、跨界融合,让游客的旅游体验更加丰富多元,让景区的知名度、美誉度进一步提升。在建成四季滑雪场的基础上,进一步扩建拓展冰雪项目,启动百里峡冰雪狂欢季,与四季圣诞小镇遥相呼应。将大龙门城堡、明代内长城、摩崖石刻等历史文化古迹与秀美的自然风光有机结合、融合发展,构建起文化旅游产业发展体系。2017年,野三坡共接待游客450万人次,实现门票收入1.5亿元,旅游总收入20亿元,再创历史新高。目前,野三坡全域旅游区域已从500平方公里扩大到了700平方公里,三十多个美丽乡村参与其中。旅游扶贫已覆盖33个村和9000多名贫困人口,已成为全国旅游扶贫的先进典型。多种文化元素构成的新业态更让野三坡有了自己的灵魂,成为京西百渡品牌中最耀眼的亮点。通过资源整合,百里峡景区、白草畔景区、鱼谷洞景区、龙门天关景区、拒马河景区,一个全新的、精品的大野三坡,即将完美呈现。 Last year, Yesanpo carried out the "tourism plus" strategy and successfully held the "Beautiful Hebei Singye Sanpo" International Folk Music Festival, Yesanpo International Half Marathon, Yesanpo China Economic Forum, and "Where do Fish Come from". Through the combination of industries and cross-border integration, the tourism experience of tourists will be richer and more diverse, and the scenic area will become famous. Degree and reputation have been further enhanced. On the basis of the four seasons ski resort, we will further expand and expand the ice and snow project and launch the Bailixia ice and snow Carnival season, which is in line with the four seasons Christmas town. The historical and cultural monuments such as Dalongmen Castle, the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, cliff stone carvings and beautiful natural scenery are organically integrated and developed to build a cultural tourism baojijil.89ix.com namimumen.89ix.comdipingc.89ix.com fengguanl.89ix.comshuiguan.89ix.comzhicaoz.89ix.comindustry development system. In 2017, Yesanpo received 4.5 million tourists, with a total ticket revenue of 150 million yuan and a total tourism revenue of 2 billion yuan, reaching a record high. Nosanpo has expanded its tourism area from 500 square kilometers to 700 square kilometers, involving more than 30 beautiful villages. Poverty alleviation through tourism has covered 33 villages and more than 9,000 poor people, and has become an advanced model of poverty alleviation through tourism in China. The new format of multi-cultural elements makes Yesanpo have its own soul and become the most dazzling bright spot of Baidu brand in Western Beijing. Through the integration of resources, Bailixia Scenic Area, Baicaoban Scenic Area, Yugudong Scenic Area, Longmen Tianguan Scenic Area and Juma River Scenic Area, a brand-new and exquisite Daye Sanpo will be presented perfectly. |
上一页 农家乐吸引游客的魅力到底是什么 |
下一页 野三坡自驾游的朋友请注意:张涿高速公路施工 |