野三坡自驾游的朋友请注意:张涿高速公路施工 |
添加时间:2019/3/30 13:49:28 浏览次数: |
野三坡自驾游的朋友请注意: Note to friends of Yesanpo's self-driving tour: 3月20日至6月20日期间,张涿高速公路保定段将实施路面抗滑提升及隧道内路面改造工程施工。届时将会对车辆通行造成一定影响,提示司机朋友提前合理规划行车路线,注意绕行。 During the period from March 20 to June 20, the pavement anti-skid lifting project and the pavement reconstruction project in the tunnel will be implemented in Baoding section of Zhangzhuo Expressway. At that time, it will have a certain impact on vehicle traffic, prompting drivers and friends to plan the route in advance and pay attention to bypass. 施工时间 Construction time 计划3月21日进场开工,6月20日完工退场。总体工程实际占道时间为90天左右。实际施工将根据安保、环保要求及气候状况随时进行调整,清明节、五一小长假期间施工路段恢复正常通行。 Work is scheduled to start on March 21 and finish on June 20. The actual road occupation time of the overall project is about 90 days. The actual construction will be adjusted at any time according to security, environmental protection requirements and climate conditions, and the construction sections will resume normal traffic during the Qingming Festival and May Day holidays. 施工路段 Construction section 涿州方向K87+422-K126+458(北龙门隧道出口—南安庄隧道入口)之间隧道外路段中间行车道路面抗滑提升改造工程,合计施工路段全长14.261km; The anti-sliding lifting project of the middle lane road surface between Zhuozhou direction K87+422-K126+458 (North Longmen Tunnel Exit-Nananzhuang Tunnel Entrance) totals 14.261 km in length. 张家口方向K82+694-K129+451之间的北龙门、林里、东马各庄、西马各庄、松树口、都衙、南峪、李家铺、南安庄9座特长及长隧道内路面改造工程,合计施工路段全长20.256km。 Zhangjiakou direction between K82+694-K129+451 North Longmen, Linli, Dongma Gezhuang, Xima zuhehuati.89ix.comguandao.89ix.comhuanwanggui.89ix.compeidiangui.89ix.comGezhuang, Songshukou, Duya, Nanyu, Lijiapu, Nan'anzhuang 9 extra-long and long tunnel pavement reconstruction projects, the total length of the construction section is 20.256 km.youle.89ix.comhuatiw.89ix.com |
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