解除旅游失眠的推拿方法 |
添加时间:2019/1/29 8:59:13 浏览次数: |
少旅游者因环境改变,在旅途中容易失眠,影响了第二天的旅游。这里向你介绍一种简易有效的穴位按摩法治疗失眠。 Fewer tourists are prone to insomnia due to environmental changes, which affects the next day's travel. Here we introduce a simple and effective acupoint massage method for insomnia. 1、用中指指端轻轻按揉两眉头连线中点处的印堂穴,约2分钟,具有镇静安神的作用。 1. Gently massage Yintang Point at the midpoint of the eyebrow connection with the middle finger for about 2 minutes, which has the function of calming and tranquilizing the mind. 2、用食、中指两指指端轻轻按揉两眉头凹陷处的攒竹穴,约1分钟,具有清肝明目的作用。 2. Gently massage the Cunzhu Point in the depression of the eyebrows with the fingertips of the forefinger and middle finger for about 1 minute, which has the function of clearing the liver and clearing the eyes. 3、用双手中指指端轻轻按揉眉稍与目外眦之间,向后约1寸凹陷处的太阳穴,约1分钟,具有醒脑安静的作用。 3. Gently press the middle finger of both hands between the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye, and the temple is about 1 inch behind the depression for about 1 minute, which has the effect of waking up the brain and quieting. 4、用双手中指指端轻轻按揉耳垂后的凹陷与枕骨下的凹陷连线中点处的安眠穴,约2分钟,具有镇静助眠的作用。 4. Gently massage the sleeping point at the midpoint of the line between the depression after earlobe andfamenb.89ix.comqiexiaoyou.89ix.comjiareguant.89ix.comkongzhiqiz.89ix.comguolvmian.89ix.comfeibi aomen.89ix.com the depression under occipital bone with the middle finger of both hands for about 2 minutes, which has the function of sedation and sleep aid. 5、用双手拇指罗纹面紧贴在两眉头处,然后在眉之上方同时作左右来回抹动,约半分钟,具有安静催眠的作用。5. Tighten the ribbed surface of the thumb with both hands on the two brows, and then wipe it around and around at the same time above the brows for about half a minute, which has the effect of quiet hypnosis. 6、用双手食、中、无名、小指指端分别放在两侧耳尖直上两横指处的率谷穴,进行前后来回推动,约半分钟,具有除烦镇静的作用。 6. Put the fingertips of both hands on the Ratgu points of the two ear tips directly above the two transverse fingers. Push them back and forth for about half a minute, which has the function of relieving boredom and sedation. 7、用拇指端罗纹面轻轻按揉腕部横纹上两横指处的内关穴,约1分钟,双手交替,具有宁心安神的作用。 7. Gently massage Neiguan Point at the two transverse fingers on the wrist with the ribbed face of the thumb end for about 1 minute, alternating hands, which has the effect of tranquilizing the mind and tranquilizing the mind. 8、用拇指指端轻轻按揉小指侧腕部横纹头凹陷处的神门穴,约1分钟,双手交替,具有助睡安眠的作用。 8. Gently massage Shenmen Point in the depression of wrist cross-striated head on the side of the little finger with the thumb fingertip for about 1 minute, alternating hands, which has the function of helping sleeping and sleeping. 采用此法治疗失眠,有几点注意事项: There are several points for attention in the treatment of insomnia by this method: 1、本法每天操作一次,在临睡前进行;2、在头面部按摩时,手的力量不能太重,因为过强的刺激于助眠无益; 1. This method is operated once a day before going to bed. 2. When massaging the head and face, the strength of the hand should not be too heavy, because too strong stimulation is not helpful to help sleep. 3、让病人多参加体育活动,避免情绪紧张,解除焦虑; 3. Let patients take part in more sports activities to avoid emotional tension and relieve anxiety. 4、临睡前不宜喝浓茶和咖啡。 4. Don't drink strong tea and coffee before going to bed. |
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