野三坡景区,有一处大型的综合游乐场 |
添加时间:2019/6/15 13:42:34 浏览次数: |
野三坡景区,有一处大型的综合游乐场,滑沙、跑马、野味烧烤、民族舞蹈表演等等,依山而建的苗寨木屋,使得这片土地有了一种异域风情。这里的门票是30元,学生凭证15元/人,每天都会分时段有民族舞蹈表演,如苗族的“上刀山”、侗族的“竹排舞”、东北的二人转等等。 Yesanpo Scenic Area, there is a large comprehensive playground, sand skiing, horse racing, game barbecue, ethnic dance performances and so on. The Miaozhai Wooden House built on the hill makes this land have an exotic style. Tickets here are 30 yuan, student vouchers are 15 yuan per person. jiashan.37ix.com.cnyinyue.37ix.com.cnpailou.37ix.com.cngongcheng.37ix.com.cnyuanlin.37ix.com.cn shumiao.37ix.com.cnEvery day there are national dance performances at different times, such as Miao's "Shangdaoshan", Dong's "Bamboo Pai Dance" and the two-person turn in Northeast China. 在临近河边的地方,还有一些天然的沙场,游客们可以在这里享受一下滑沙的乐趣。这里还有一些专门为游客品尝野味烧烤准备的特殊场所,可以举行篝火晚会,最突出的特色是骑马和烤全羊。Near the river, there are also some natural sand fields where tourists can enjoy sliding sand. There are also special places for tourists to enjoy game barbecues. They can hold bonfire parties. The most prominent features are riding horses and roasting whole sheep. |
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