野三坡国家级的风景名胜区 |
添加时间:2019/6/14 13:36:54 浏览次数: |
野三坡旅游,以“雄,险,奇,幽”闻名,是集山水泉洞、林木花草、鸟兽鱼虫、历史文物于无所不包的综合性的整体,是国家级的风景名胜区,AAAA级旅游区,国家地质公园,国家森林公园,中华生态示范区。这里有酷似桂林山水的拒马河风光,有鬼斧神工的的峡谷奇光,有幽深奇异的溶洞,保存完好的平西抗日烈士陵园及兴建的少数民族村寨等人文景观,所以独具一格 Yesanpo tourism, famous for its "male, dangerous, strange and quiet", is an all-encompassing and comprehensive collection of mountain, water and spring caves, trees, flowers, plants, birds, animals, fish and insects, historical and cultural relics. It is a national scenic spot, AAAAAA tourist area, national www.diandongmenx.cnwww.yanglaoyuanv.cnwww.fumianji.cn www.diandongmenv.cnwww.lvliangbanjia.com.cnwww.yanglaoyuanj.cngeological park, National Forest park, and China ecological demonstration area. There are the scenery of the Juma River, which resembles the scenery of Guilin. There are wonderful canyons, deep and strange karst caves, well-preserved cemeteries of martyrs fighting against Japan in Pingxi and ethnic minority villages, so they are unique. |
上一页 野三坡景区,有一处大型的综合游乐场 |
下一页 去野三坡旅游的时候,住宿还是得选择正规一些的 |