野三坡农家院特点 |
添加时间:2019/3/7 13:34:59 浏览次数: |
农家院作为目前主流的一种旅游方式,深受广大旅游者的喜爱.其中原因很多,最主要的还是因为农家院贴近当代普通人的生活方式,朴素真实的美是其它旅游方式无法比拟的. As a mainstream way of tourism, farmyard is popular with tourists. There are many reasons. The most important reason is that farmyard is close to the life style of contemporary ordinary people. The beauty of simplicity and authenticity is incomparable with other ways of tourism. 针对野三坡农家院,我们总结了以下特点,希望广大游客能够了解这些,更加深层次的理解农家院. Aiming at Yesanpo Farmhouse, we summarize the following characteristics, hoping that tourists can understand these and understand the farmhouse more deeply. 1.野三坡农家院靠近河北野三坡旅游景区,有良好的环境和便利的交通. 1. The Yesanpo Farmhouse is close to the Yesanpo Tourist Scenic Spot in Hebei Province. It has a good environment and convenient transportation. 2.野三坡农家院主要根据当地的一些生活饮食习惯设定旅游服务项目,具有本地特色.贴近生活! 2. Yesanpo Farmhouse mainly sets up tourism service items according to some local living and eating habits. It has local characteristics. It is close to life! 3.野三坡农家院竞争激烈,所以服务态度良好,环境优美,适合广大城市生活的人感受不同的生活方式,更加理解生活的真谛. 3. The competition of Yesanpo farmyard is fierce, so the service attitude is good and the environment fangdaomen.89ix.comdiankonggui.89ix.com tiepuyi.89ix.comtanceqi.07858.net bianyaqiyj.37ix.com.cngangguanh.37ix.com.cnis beautiful. People who are suitable for urban life feel different ways of life and understand the essence of life better. 4.野三坡农家院中有很多贴近生活的服务项目和特色小吃,让大家享受美食的同时更加获得心情的愉悦! 4. Yesanpo Farmyard has many close to life service items and special snacks, so that everyone can enjoy the delicious food and get more pleasure at the same time! |
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