野三坡风景名胜区位于河北省涞水县境内,太行山与燕山两大山脉交汇处,距首都北京100公里,与北京接壤110公里,总面积498.5平方公里。景区内旅游资源丰富独特,享有“世外桃源”之称。 Wild three hillsides in scenic area is located in laishui county, hebei province, the taihang mountains and yanshan mountains interchange, 100 kilometers away from the capital Beijing, and Beijing is bordered by 110 kilometers, the total area of 498.5 square kilometers. The tourist resources are rich and unique in the scenic area, which is called "the world's paradise". 战略地位野三破是古代京都通往塞外的重要关隘,素有“疆域咽喉”之称,为历代兵家必争之地,龙门关大断壁险胜千重,一夫当关万夫莫开,峭壁之上,镌刻着历代守关将士的豪言壮语,似乎又让人看见几百年前金戈铁马、浴血厮杀的疆场。龙门城堡屹立于两山之间,敌楼、垛口、炮台保存完好,尚可想象明朝壮士执戈守望的雄姿。金华山北侧全长45华里的内长城工程浩大,气势恢弘,10米高的城墙,设计独特的关城,烽火台,恰如一道铜墙铁壁,蜿蜒于山岭之中,其雄伟壮丽正是万里长城的一个缩影。金华山南麓的清禅寺,已是千年古刹保存完好的金代壁画色彩艳丽,形态各异,正是不可多得的艺术珍品,寺院周围苍松翠柏,郁郁葱葱,千年银杏仍是枝繁叶茂,果实累累。 Strategic position and wild SanPo is an ancient Kyoto to important pass of the Great Wall, known as the "territory of the throat," said, for all previous dynasties mohican, longmen big DuanBi narrowly beat thousands of heavy, there is mo, cliffs, engraved a grandiloquence, members of the past dynasties keep close horses seem to have let a person see hundreds of years ago, the bloody battleground. Longmen castle stands between the two mountains, and the enemy building, the fortress and the fort are well preserved, and can be imagined as the hero of the Ming dynasty. Kinkazan within a span of 45 li, the Great Wall north of enormous project, grand, 10 meters high walls, and unique design of GuanCheng, beacon tower, just as a solid wall, winding in the mountains, the magnificent is a miniature of the Great Wall. Kinkazan south qing temple, is beautifully preserved ancient temple in one thousand jin murals colour is gorgeous, forms, is the rare art treasures, temple surrounding pine and cypress, lush, ginkgo is still flourishing in one thousand, fruitful. |