拒马河是专门供游客漂流而设的景点 |
添加时间:2019/6/11 15:00:58 浏览次数: |
拒马河原名涞水河,是河北省唯一一条在冬季也不结冰的河流,很多北方游客专门来此欣赏北国不冻河的壮丽景观,因此也有“北方漓江”的美称。 The original name of the Juma River is Laishui River. It is the only river in Hebei Province that does not freeze in winter. Many northern tourists come here to enjoy the magnificent scenery of the frozen river in the north. Therefore, it is also known as the Lijiang River in the north. 拒马河是专门供游客漂流而设的景点。沿河而下,分别经过沙蟒拦路”、“悬崖栈道”等弯曲之处,游客可以感受到水流的温柔与湍急并存,极具刺激性。 The Juma River is a scenic spot specially designed for tourists to drift. Along the river, visitors can feel the tuogun.37ix.com.cngeshanban.37ix.com.cnshusongdaij.07858.net shusongdaiu.07858.net yajieji.07858.net fangbaohulu.07858.netcoexistence of gentleness and turbulence of the current, which is very stimulating, when they pass through the bends of sand Python road and cliff trestle road. |
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