“世外桃源”——野三坡 |
添加时间:2019/5/28 13:37:33 浏览次数: |
在我国北方著名的旅游胜地中,有一处国家级重点风景名胜区,这里自然风光奇特,生态环境纯净,古老的历史文物独具特色,浓郁的民族风情丰富多彩。自1986年开发旅游业以来,以其独特的魅力,深受海内外游人的青睐,这就是闻名遐迩的“世外桃源”——野三坡。 Among the famous tourist attractions in northern China, there is a national key scenic spot, where the natural scenery is peculiar, the ecological environment is pure, the ancient historical relics have their own famenb.89ix.comqiexiaoyou.89ix.comjiareguant.89ix.comkongzhiqiz.89ix.comguolvmian.89ix.comfeibiaom en.89ix.comcharacteristics, and the rich and colorful national customs. Since the development of tourism in 1986, with its unique charm, it has been favored by tourists at home and abroad. This is the famous "paradise" - Yesanpo. |
上一页 保定野三坡景区:“五一”小长假接待游客31.8万人次 |
下一页 野三坡的美丽还在于它的山水相间 |