龙门天关长城文物保护区 |
添加时间:2019/5/20 14:18:57 浏览次数: |
有明代大龙门城堡、蔡村庵长城和华北地区最大的金、明、清历代摩崖石刻群。龙门天关是古代京畿通往塞外的疆域咽喉,一直是历代兵家必争之地,其明清历史古迹与瑰丽的自然风光浑然一体。 There are Dalongmen Castle in Ming Dynasty, Caicun'an Great Wall and the largest cliff stone carvings zhangjiakou.71ix.cncangzhou.71ix.cnmiehuo.37ix.com.cnrunhuayou.89ix.comgroup in North China in the past dynasties of Jin, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Longmen Tianguan is the throat of the ancient capital to the outside of the fortress. It has always been a contested place for military strategists of all dynasties. Its tangshan.71ix.cnqinhuangdao.71ix.cnhistorical monuments of Ming and Qing dynasties and magnificent natural scenery are integrated. |
上一页 中国旅游业对世界经济和社会发展的贡献 |
下一页 华北地质历史的缩影 |