边关古隘玉璧金汤 |
添加时间:2019/3/4 13:33:01 浏览次数: |
龙门天关景区在古代是京都通往关外的重要关隘,山势险峻、易守难攻,为历代兵家必争之地,享有“疆域咽喉”之称,明、清代均有重兵把守。大龙门城堡、明代内长城及三道防线构成了严密的立体防御系统,充分体现了古代高超的建筑艺术和成熟的军事防御思想,同时以赞美山河壮丽的30余处摩崖石刻被誉为华北地区最大的历史文化长廊。 In ancient times, Longmen Tianguan Scenic Area was an important pass for Kyoto to pass outside the Pass. Its mountains were steep and difficult to defend and attack. It was a place for warriors of all www.zhijia.org.cnwww.zhidiaojia.org.cnwww.qibijizhamen.com.cnwww.juanyangqibij.cn www.qingwuji.net.cnwww.yasiban.cndynasties and enjoyed the name of "territory throat". It was heavily guarded by soldiers in Ming and Qing dynasties. Dalongmen Castle, the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty and the three defensive lines constitute a strict three-dimensional defense system, which fully reflects the ancient superb architectural art and mature military defense ideas. At the same time, more than 30 cliff carvings in praise of the magnificent mountains and rivers are praised as the largest historical and cultural corridor in North China. |
上一页 野三坡景区已经成为京津冀旅游协同发展的典范 |
下一页 野三坡是革命老区 |